Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Russian Adoption: April Girls

Mrs. Beaver:

I love adoption. I love Russia. I love Russia due to all the time I've spent in the country as a result of international adoption. You see, nine Russian children--all of whom had been orphaned by the alcoholism of their mothers--call me "Mama". Russia is dear to my heart.

I love our two youngest daughters, both born in Russia. Both have April birthdays. Both are like spring flowers blossoming before our eyes. Oksana (on the left) just turned nine, and Amy turned eleven last month.

Sadly, our family is missing an "April Girl," as I like to call them. Last year we worked hard toward adopting yet another little Russian beauty, also born in April. This precious princess was one of our Oksana's friends in her orphanage. They were playmates; Oksana and this other little "April Girl" slept in the same room. As the end of last year rolled around, we thought we were so close to adopting this little girl who would be our youngest daughter. All our paperwork was completed. We were simply waiting on THE call that a court date had been set.

Then, in late December, the Russian government shut the door to Americans willing to open their homes and families to children in Russian orphanages. We were crushed.

We still long to add this little "April Girl", and her three older brothers, to our family. The wait hasn't dimmed our desire. In fact, the government-imposed wall has only heightened our longing for these four children.

Please, please, President Putin, reopen the door to adoption. Please, Duma members, let us come get our "April Girl" and her brothers. Please consider the hearts of these children who had met their new parents and had been told that they were wanted after 2-1/2 years in an orphanage. "When will you return to take us home?" were among their last words as we waved good-bye last September. Please, President Putin and Duma members, don't let these precious children languish!

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