Thursday, April 10, 2014

Senior Photo Magic

Today I took Matt and Kirsten, our two high school seniors, out on the town to take their senior photos. I also had along the greatest crew ~ Sarah, Tatiana, Natasha and Amy. They also took pictures and hauled equipment for me as well. Sarah was a tremendous help in posing our seniors.

This morning we went downtown to an area of restored buildings and took photos with that popular urban look. Then this afternoon Kirsten's horse-riding trainer gave us the opportunity to take pictures of Kirsten with Pinch, the horse on whom she's trained for about 2-1/2 years. It's been a magical day, our family working together as a team to capture the photos that will mark the milestone of high school graduation. Pictured above with Kirsten is Tatiana (holding the camera) and Matthew (foreground).

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