Saturday, February 14, 2015

Daddy's Little Valentines

Mrs. R:

Our family has stumbled upon a new tradition over the past two years. On the Friday of Valentine's Day weekend, our kiddos who are high school age and up go on a one-day ski trip with our church. That leaves us with just our two youngest at home. We've tried to make the day special for Hope Alina and Eliana by doing something way out of the norm. Yesterday we took just the two of them out to lunch at the fanciest restaurant in town. We even got dressed up for the special event! Love these two Valentine's whom the Lord added to our family through older-child adoption! (Eliana --on the left-- was 6 when we adopted her and is now 10. Hope was 3 when upon her adoption and is now 12.)

After Dad rose from the chair, a bit of sister silliness ensued. We thank God for the friendship these siblings share!

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