Thursday, July 2, 2015

Taking Stock of What's Really Important

I treasure this picture because it captures two enormous changes to our family this year. Zhenya's engagement ring speaks to her upcoming wedding in September. And, if you've been following our blog, you know that the little hand belongs to our fourth grandchild. On top of those changes, Sarah, Kirsten and Matt all have new jobs. With all that's going on in our extra large family, it's easy to get caught up in the whirl of activities. As a result, the following quote really hit home. The words are written by C.T. Studd, a missionary to China, India and Africa in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In a letter written as a young man while serving in China he wrote:
"Pingyang. February 7, 1886 The Lord is so good and always gives me a large dose of spiritual champagne every morning which braces one up for the day and night. Of late, I have had such glorious times. I generally wake at about 3:30 a.m. and feel quite wide awake, so have a good read, etc., and then have an hour's sleep or so before finally getting up. I find what I read then is stamped indelibly on my mind all though the day. and it is the sweetest of quiet times, not a foot astir, nor a sound to be heard, saving that of God. If I miss this time I feel like Samson shorn of his hair and so all of his strength. I see more and more how much I have to learn of the Lord. I want to be a workman approved, not just with a 'pass' degree, as it were. Oh, how I wish I has devoted my early life, my whole life to God and His Word. How much I have lost by those years of self-pleasing and running after this world's honors and pleasures." Norman Grubb, C.T. Studd: Cricketer & Pioneer, pgs.54-55
I don't know about you, dear reader, but I don't want to move through the crazy busy that is my life like Samson with his hair cut off. I need the strength and wisdom and peace that I can only find by seeking the Lord each day, every day, early in the day. I'm heading to bed right now so that I can rise early and get some of that spiritual champagne!

May God bless and keep you,


mongollisa said...

Aw, so beautiful....I praise our God with you for these wonderful blessings and events! And the C.T. Studd quote really touched my heart deeply, too. So neat to hear how he used those wee hours of the morning to fellowship with the Lord and feed his soul. It's so easy to just lie there and let your mind go, isn't it? Or get frustrated because you can't sleep....instead of immediately seeing it as an opportunity to draw near to the throne of grace, and find true rest....

Thank you for the reminder!

....with love from afar....



Our Family said...

Thanks for responding to the quote, Lisa. I have read and reread those words a number of times, praying that the Lord would empower me to seeing rising early in a new light (sorry, could resist the pun!) I'm going to keep praying and entreating God to help me. I want to sit at His feet first thing every morning. I want HIM to order my day!

...with love from afar...
