I have left our readers dangling -- a bit like the light bulbs in the photo in my last post. I deeply apologize to those of you who are loyal followers and supporters of our unusual family. And now I'm going to add injury to insult by not even posting a photo of Christina.
Let me just make a promise to post a photo of Tina very soon. However, in a way this photo is almost more fitting. God's glory was on display late this afternoon as I wandered outside to take a few photos of the tail end of a beautiful autumn. God's great grace was also on display in how He healed Christina. Her surgeon prepared us for a rough ride of continued swelling of her internal organs before any healing would begin. And, that was if no complications occurred that would require surgery.
However, God had His own way with Tina's healing. There was no additional swelling. There were no complications. Tina's hospitalization did last five days; it took that long for her to be able to digest food again. She was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night and released the following Tuesday evening. Before she came home, we made a trip to the grocery store to stock up on special foods for her to eat during the long healing process to digestive system. However, Christina came home completely well. Completely healed. Despite the horse's well-aimed kick, she was ready to eat every day food. She was also ready even that night to resume her normal activities. We were nothing short of shocked! How could she be so...so...well? We made her take it easy for a day or two, unable to believe what we were witnessing. However, by Friday of that week Tina had convinced us of God's great grace having made the impossible possible. She was so healthy that she joined her brothers and sisters as they wove they're way through a corn maze that covered 17 acres.
We know that God can always heal, but that He doesn't always choose to do so, or to do so as quickly as we would like. In this case, we're very grateful for the mercy He showed our family in healing her so thoroughly and so quickly.
So happy to hear she's doing well. I was concerned when I didn't hear any updates and was hopefully that she was recovering and that life has just been busy, and that nothing was wrong. What a blessing. -Hansineh
So amazed by our wonderful God and very thankful with you for her healing.
I have been a reader for quite a while and enjoy your posts.
Thank you, God, for your Miracle! Greetings for all your family from Russia!
To God Be the glory, GREAT things He has done! Praise His Holy Name! So very blessed to see this update. May the Lord give Tina many opportunities to tell of His great love and mercy. Blessings to you all. - Marilyn
We really miss hearing from you. I hope everything is going well and Christina has fully recovered by now. Best wishes for the new year!
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