Thursday, September 23, 2010

Favorite Family Photos: Autumn Hike

In a post earlier this week I mentioned our family's love of hiking. Our favorite season for this activity is fall.

Three years ago the weather was especially favorable, and we went on hike after hike. On one of those ventures, Natasha and Princess Bink were walking through the woods hand-in-hand when I was blessed to capture these images of our 5- and 7-year-olds. Every time I see these two pictures, which are some of my all-time favorites, I'm reminded of that special autumn when we spent so much time just having fun together.

~Mrs. Beaver


SamUEL Finch said...

They have changed so much.

MacMeister said...

So precious! :-)

Drew said...

The girls look wonderful Mrs. B. You must be proud of them.

Sarah Gracen said...

Oh How cute!
-Poem Girl