Friday, August 31, 2012

Our Adoption: We Met Our Kids!!!

Mrs. Beaver:

We're not allowed to post pictures of the kids' faces
until after they're legally our children.
We're too tired to share the story tonight, but we got to spend about one-and-a-half hours with the
Fab Four late this afternoon after attendning to several official steps in the adoption.

The introduction to the kids went wonderfully. Thanks for your prayers!

Children in Russia begin school tomorrow (yes--on a Saturday). We were told that the first day is a shortened time of celebration. That arrangement will allow us to return to the orphanage to see the kiddos again in the afternoon, Lord willing. Your prayers for that meeting would be welcome, especially that our daughter-to-be would feel comfortable with our attention. She was a bit shy today, nothing concerning though. All three of her older brothers were warm and welcoming and happy, happy, happy!

To God be the glory!


Jamie Nikole said...

Overjoyed!!! I am so excited and smiling so big my face hurts!!! Oh! So many prayers for another chance to see them tomorrow!!!

Natalie said...

Praise God!
Today is "First Bell" is quite a celebration for the first day of school. It always falls on September 1 and no matter what the day go to school. Hopefully you are out and about this morning and you will see kids walking around all dressed up with flowers and chocolates to give to their teachers. Little girls wear great big white bows in their hair. It's one of my favorite days here...I love to go outside and watch the kids walk to school.