Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday Musing: Learning to "Make Use of Jesus"

Lenin's Tomb in Red Square--taken on our last adoption in April 2005

As our adoption gets closer (we thank God for that reality!), the list of things I need to accomplish before we travel to Russia is growing at the same time that we're settling into another year of educating our children at home.

I have a small drawer filled with a handful of books that have in one way or another reached all the way down into my soul. Most of my "Monday Musing" quotes have come from these treasures. Today as I was feeling stretched, I pulled out a volume that I haven't touched for a couple of years. There I reread the following words and felt my priorities being reordered. I also felt my cares grow lighter as they slid into the arms of my Saviour.
"But let us strive to get more of Christ in our souls...We must look more upward; for all our help cometh from the Lord. To live near to Him--to walk humbly with Him--to enjoy much of His presence---to realise the coming glory, --this is heaven begun on earth, and should be our constantly increasing aim. To go to Him at all times--to go when our love has chilled, when the world creeps in, when creature streams pass away, when cares accumulate and anxieties press--to tell Him our case, however bad it might be--to make use of Jesus, if I might be allowed the expression,--this, this, is our happy, holy privilege. Only go to Jesus. Make all manner of excuses to go; find an errand to take you to Him in all the every day incidents of life; for in going to the Fountain of all good, we shall be more and more conformed to His word and transformed into His image." Heaven Opened: The Correspondence of Mary Winslow, Octavious Winslow, ed., pg. 115.

~Mrs. Beaver


the johnson crew said...

AMEN! thank you for sharing that quote. Big encouragement to me.

Blessings Sister

Our Family said...

Thanks, for your kind words, my Dear Sister-in-Christ!

By the way, if we're ever near Madison, we'll definitely stop by!