Monday, June 28, 2010

Go Forth

An ever-present challenge of being the mother of nine is to look for the best in my children and to be busy watching for opportunities to encourage them, rather than roaming about our home waiting to pounce on anyone who strays.

I am struggling today with being a "pouncer" as we settle into routine at home after a wonderful week of vacation. I share this favorite quote while reminding myself of the nature of God's extravagant love. ~ Mrs. Beaver

"Go forth and be loving, even as your Father in heaven is loving. Let your heart be as large in its creature capacity as God's heart is in its divine. If He has a large heart for you, beware of a small heart for your fellow man. If his heart is open, see that yours is not closed. And since He does not depart at our sinfulness, ingratitude, injury, or unworthiness, be imitators of God. 'Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good' (Romans 12:21). God has so dealt with you, overcoming and winning your evil heart with goodness and love of His own. Go and do likewise towards all who have injured you, wounded you, and despitefully used you..."
Octavius Winslow, Our God, pg. 16

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