Saturday, June 4, 2011

They Departed Full of Purpose

Mr. and Mrs. Beaver:

Jaynie, Speedy and Cassandra on their orphanage grounds in 2001
I (Mrs. Beaver) purchased a book a few months ago called One Million Arrows: Raising Your Children to Change the World. I have only managed to get as far as the first page, but on that page, I have read and re-read a phrase that caught my the first time I opened the book. I shared the quote with Mr. Beaver. Upon hearing the few-but-powerful words, he nodded in hearty agreement. The words do a marvelous job of capturing what has been on our hearts for a decade.

Author Julie Ferwerda dedicates the book to "all of the wonderful orphan ministries worldwide that are gathering once purposeless children and sharpening arrows for the Kingdom to finish the most important work in this world--fulfilling The Great Commission" (emphasis ours).

The italicized words strike at one of the key reasons why we have adopted...and adopted...and adopted. We certainly have wanted to give fatherless children a home and family. We certainly have felt delighted to act in obedience to God's command to care for the vulnerable. But, we've also wanted more. We've wanted to raise former orphans who, at the right time, would bring light to the world by spreading the great Good News that there is a rescuing, redeeming Savior who sacrificed Himself that we might have life--eternally.

Our oldest trio of Russian siblings have reached "the right time" to be "sharpened arrows for the Kingdom." Yesterday they set out on a short-term missions trip to work with inner city kids in New Orleans. We already miss them. But we are thrilled that they all wanted to go out for the sake of the Name. We can only praise Him for His grace. He has truly blessed us with a full quiver. And even better... He has worked mightily in their hearts to sharpen and point them outward for His glory.

We love you, Speedy, Jaynie and Cassandra!

(If you would like to see photos from their trip, one of the adults has set up this blog: New Orleans Missions Trip )
Speedy, Cassandra and Jaynie departing for New Orleans at dawn yesterday


Spencer said...

Praise God for such a tremendous work He has done. God bless you all in this trip and may you be used of Him mightily!

Kawaii said...

Praying for you all, its so nice to see people who I saw growing up in Zhukovka going out and serving God, I pray God blesses you and the people you meet.

Tony and Dawn said...

My wife and I just were just accepted by a Baptist mission agency for work in southeastern Siberia. It is our prayer that our youngest children will be able to reach out to young people in their birth country in a way that wife and I are just not able to do.

We will be praying for your kids while they are away. The extended forecast for the deep south calls for high temperatures (with high humidity). I do hope they are drinking twice the water they normally do to avoid dehydration.

God Bless -

Love the "Coke" comment on link. Typical response here when you ask for a "coke" is, "What kind?"

MacMeister said...

Hey Jaynie, Cassandra, and Speedy! I hope you have a blessed trip, and that you can be a blessing to those you meet! I will definitely be following the blog :-)