Thursday, August 25, 2011

Video -- Hope is Fading

Mrs. Beaver:

We've posted this video before. However, with Lissie describing her interactions with orphans in St. Petersburg, Russia, this week on her blog , it's time for a re-post.

Her photos have made my heart ache all over again for the children Mr. Beaver and I have had to leave behind each time we've adopted. Their faces continue to haunt us.

Is it your turn? Is it your turn to die to self? Is it your turn to adopt? Is it your turn to give hope to the hopeless? The cost of adding an orphan to the family is enormous in more ways than I can tell you. But, our God's grace exceeds every need an orphan creates. Is it your turn to trust God and provide a home for a homeless child? I ask again, is it your turn to trust God? Would our God, whose heart is so soft toward the young silent sufferers in this world, agree with you that this isn't your calling?

I pray God will give you the blessing of an ache that can't be satisfied in any other way than adding a fatherless child to your family. I pray you will be as blessed as we have been.

(Please mute our music on the right sidebar before watching)

Hope is Fading – Orphan Sunday from Allan Rosenow on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Tony and Dawn said...

We have been deeply touched by the plight of the orphans in Russia. Our four youngest children were born there and in April we signed on with a mission agency that works with orphans in SE Siberia. Even though 100% of everything I raise will go to orphans, churches are not interested. I keep asking myself, how can Christians turn their backs when God has commanded us to come to the aid of the orphan? I had a disappointing week after one hopeful contact, but my God will provide! I will keep calling and keep visiting - not all are deaf and blind to the needs of these children.

Your family is a blessing to me and I look forward to your post to hear what your children are doing. God Bless -