Saturday, December 4, 2010

From Brides to Bridles

Last Saturday, November 27, was full one, but we haven't had the chance yet to post about it. We'd been home from Russia less than a week, but life refused to stand still! 

The day began with Tessa visiting our local bridal store in hopes of finding her wedding gown.

You may remember that Tessa posted a couple of weeks ago about her deep excitement when the dress she'd ordered on the web arrived in the mail. Unfortunately, as beautiful as the gown was, it didn't fit and one of the side seams was ripped. So, right back it went, and we decided to try the more traditional method of visiting a store. (And, Aaron, this is NOT the dress or veil! No sneak peeks!)

Doing this in a more traditional way allowed some of us who love her to come, too. When Tessa made the appointment, the woman on the other end of the line asked who would be with her. Tessa replied her mom, grandmother, aunt and sisters. The woman never asked how many sisters, and the shop was probably a bit surprised when Tessa's EIGHT sisters made their way in through the door.

Oksana and Mr. Beaver's Mom, Jane
Before all the dress details were were even decided upon, Daria and I dashed out. We had and appointment with a horse!

Through the internet translator we're using, Daria had asked her new Papa if there was anyway she could visit a horse now that she was in America. We'd already known Daria loved horses. However, we were tickled by the way the translator rendered her words, "that being near a horse gives me comfort and makes me feel more optimistic."

Daria had learned to love horses when she lived for many years with her grandmother. She tells us as best she can with the language barrier that her grandmother lived on something that was "sort of" a farm.

Some of our good friends own horses and kindly let Daria come and get some of that which seems to be soul food for her.

I suspect that L.B. was one happy horse because he was also getting plenty of attention from his two favorite girls--Cora and Naomi.

Thanks, Davidsons! You made a teenager whose life has consisited of the walls of an orphanage for the past three years very happy!

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