Sunday, August 8, 2010

Courtship: An Early Birthday Gift

During Aaron's visit, he wanted to give Tessa her birthday gift, even though the big day is next month. (For background see I Got Flowers!!) We had a gift opening ceremony his first night in town with plenty of onlookers to "ooohhhhh" and "aaaaahhhhhhh" as she opened the mysterious box.

It was a beautiful aqua marine necklace! Obviously, Tessa was thrilled!

Part of the benefit of courtship is that a gift opening like this can be an innocent 'first' in the lives of those courting, making it a special moment of joy.

~Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

1 comment:

S'moores said...

Once again, I love your faces! :)
Kali (not Eric)
I can't figure out how to post with just my name. So I stole Eric's account. :) He gave permission, though.