Saturday, March 5, 2011

Courtship: Blessed by Titus 2 Women

Tessa following her bridal shower
holding the beautiful roses she was given.
Tessa's wedding colors are: red, black and cream.
Mrs. Beaver:

Today we had concrete evidence that Tessa's wedding is drawing near. Some of the women from our wonderful church family threw a bridal shower for Tessa this morning.

I didn't take any photos during the event. I was too busy enjoying the delicious food (your cinnamon rolls ROCK, Mr Eveleth!) and ooohhhing and ahhhhhhhhing over the beautiful, useful and generous gifts Tessa received from the women who have been so special in her life. Tessa is now well equipped to turn her new apartment into a home.

Our thanks to our dear, dear friends for making the day so special for our soon-to-be bride. She has learned so much watching you glorify God through your marriages. You've taught Tessa that she doesn't have to fear or resent submitting to her man. You've taught her that she can find profound fulfillment in being a content wife, in raising her own children full time at home. You've modeled making your man your best friend. Thank you, friends for your love for my girl, your investment in her during the past eight years and for your generosity today.

Just as an aside we've had some pretty funny conversations with our two older newbies, Daria and Alexander, over a group of women heading off to party called a shower. We finally helped Daria to understand that Tessa would be showered with gifts, but I'm not sure the synapses were firing on that concept for poor old Alexander. He just couldn't get past his concrete understanding of the English word shower meaning a private event where you get wet and clean.

1 comment:

Johanna Marie said...

I love the colours that Tessa chose for her wedding! :)